TouchCatalog is an advanced step for product catalogue to increase customer awareness and loyalty. It offers their valued reader a modern and interactive service.
TouchCatalog can extend your catalogue of product and service and make them available for your customer on the shop floor with self-service or assisted service. LCD or LED is used to display pictures and other content, mainly used in shops, exhibitions and other occasions.
This video describes the general aspect of TouchCatalog presentation package.
This basically mention how it can help your product promotion and provide customer service to your end-user, specially delivering value to customers and your business.
The following diagram describe conceptual architecture for all related components.
All hardware and software elements work together to provide cutting-edge features and functions to your users a great experience.
Interrelationship of all components : Hardware (Android device + Touch screen + VGA) and software apps ( TouchCatalog -- Android Apps , Content builder -- PC inputting data program)
This video describes the operational aspect of TouchCatalog
(Android apps -- embedded device version) in real mode.
This can help reader to understand App software operation and finger touch style to your end-user.
Retail and product demonstration solution:
High street store and supermarket have incorporated touch screens to extend their product range, improve customer service and increase sales.
Including channel sales, distributors, retailers, agents, etc., such as department stores using the product sales guidance for consumers inside the department store. Our solution can make products to show more visual impact. Real estate agents using this solution can be intuitive, comprehensive presentation housing exterior, interior, architecture and so on.
In manufacturing companies, our solution can make the product more attractive display, and touch operation, can stimulate interest visitors interact, thus deepening the impression for the company and the product. In addition, some manufacturing companies will participate in numerous exhibitions. The product exhibition site will be enhanced by our presentation product. Surely it can attract the attention of customers and visitors.
Apps software design nature:
In general, application is assessed using fingers in direct contact with screen rather than with the mouse, only fingers are used to interact with it. The directness of touch screens simplifies the task by allowing users to simply point directly at object or action, e.g. finger single touch (land-on-lift-off), finger linear movement or finger double touch to trigger action. User simply touch a visual representation of object or do any action, the whole system response time is very quick and make application fun and fast.
The following diagram addresses finger gestures in touch screen operation.
Solutions Feature:
* completing OS configuation and pre-installed apps before solution delivery
* ease of hardware setup and cabling , no software configuration required for buyer
* System startup to run apps automatically, ease of handling in daily operation
* Content inputting data in PC, updating data to Android device thru SD while system power-on and OS boot up.
* Adopting touchscreen operation, ease of use for end-user.
* Android status bar disabled , trapping user-operation within Apps. Android device becomes dedicated terminal
* Android device wifi function disabled, standalone terminal, high security against malware or virus
* Our technical staff compiles Android OS to become device kernel, we guarantee no third or unknown apps within device.
Touch screen hardware and software has more and more popular in a wide range of retail solutions.
They can do it reliably and durably and provide a clear and quick response solution.
download apps for testing:
Please download my Google Play apps to your Android tablet for evaluation.